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~According to Wikipedia, all 7 churches were in modern day Turkey!~
Sardis = works have not been perfect
Philadelphia = kept the word of God's patience (the first that doesn't appear to be rebuked)
Laodicea = lukewarm-to be spewed out of God's mouth
Revelation 4
Stones & precious metals/treasures mentioned: jasper, sardine, emerald, gold, crystal
:5 - 7 lamps = 7 Spirits of God
This picture is not totally accurate to the description of the 4 beasts, but it epitomizes my doubt as to the literal translation of this book.
Revelation 5
:1 - 7 seals on 1 book
:6 - Lamb with 7 horns and 7 eyes = 7 Spirits of God
Revelation 6
1st seal = white horse release - conquering and to conquer
2nd seal = red horse release - power to take peace from earth
3rd seal = black horse release - balance in his rider's hand
4th seal = pale horse named Death release = Hell followed with him
5th seal = martyred souls under the altar cry out for justice and receive white robes
6th seal = earthquake, sun darkened, moon reddened, stars fall to earth like figs from a fig tree, heaven departs like a scroll rolled together, everyone on the earth hides
Revelation 7
4 angels, 4 corners of earth, 4 winds
:4 - 144,000 sealed of all the tribes of the children of Israel. Again, if one part is figurative (or symbolic, that sounds better I suppose), it is likely the rest God is very consistent. No matter who says only 144,000 will be ok, it's not theirs to say.
Revelation 8
7th seal = half hour of silence in heaven (again, a day with the Lord is as a thousand years, so 30 minutes could still be significant in human time.)
:6 - 7 angels with 7 trumpets
1st angel sounds 1st trumpet = hail, fire, blood, 1/3 trees burnt, all green grass burnt
2nd angel = great burning mountain cast into the sea, and a 3rd of the sea becomes blood
3rd angel = big star (Wormwood) falls from heaven upon a 3rd of the rivers - making them bitter
4th angel = 1/3rd part of sun, 1/3rd part of moon, 1/3rd part of stars darkened
Revelation 9
5th angel = star with key to the bottomless pit fell from heaven to earth = locusts and scorpions loosed
:7 - Locusts as big as horses wearing crowns of gold and having human faces. Look out Stephen King!
:11 - Abaddon (Hebrew), Apollyon (Greek) = angel king over the bottomless pit
6th angel = loosed the 4 angels bound in the river Euphrates = killed by fire, smoke and brimstone out of their mouths
Revelation 10
:3 - 7 thunders
:7 - I believe this is the 7th angel that has one foot on land and one on the sea that says time is no longer.
7th angel sounds = mystery of God finishes
Revelation 11
:4 - 2 olive trees, 2 candlesticks
:15 - 7th angel NOW SOUNDS = The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever.
~Although I would like to put this video at the end, it fits better here.~
Revelation 12
Revelation 13
Revelation 14
:6 - An angel preaches the gospel to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.
Revelation 15
7 angels, 7 plagues, 7 golden vials of the wrath of God
Revelation 16
1st vial poured = sore on people with mark of beast and who worshiped his image
2nd vial poured = every living soul died in the sea
3rd vial poured = rivers and fountains of waters became blood
4th vial poured = sun becomes torch that burns people
5th vial poured = on seat of beast = became dark and painful
6th vial poured = on river Euphrates - water dried up
3 unclean spirits like frogs come out of dragon's, beast's, and false prophet's mouths
7th vial = in the air - voice said It is done.
Revelation 17
:9 - 7 heads = 7 mountains that the woman sits on
:10 - 7 kings
:12 - 10 horns = 10 kings
Revelation 18
Babylon Destroyed.
Revelation 19
Marriage Supper of the Lamb
:19 - testimony of Jesus = spirit of prophecy
:18 - Menu of the Marriage Supper = flesh of kings, flesh of captains, flesh of mighty men, flesh of horses and their riders, flesh of all men
Revelation 20
The devil is thrown into the lake of fire.
Revelation 21
Pictures showing the Great White Throne. I don't intend for these to be literally what I interpret will happen or portray that somehow this will even remotely describe it. I merely post these pictures to summarize these Revelation chapters...because it's as if words aren't appropriate to comment...and I feel like saying READ IT!
:7 - He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.:12 - New Jerusalem has one wall with 12 gates, 12 angels, names of the 12 tribes if Israel
~I am not going to post a picture of this because it is completely irrelevant. In fact, when I was in youth camp, I walked out of a class where the teacher was trying to draw this on a whiteboard and telling us that heaven is some kind of gigantic cosmic cube. That's when my Amos 8:11 famine in the land began. I just had to get out of there and go walk in the mountains with God! God has to be more spiritual than that, right? He is Spirit, after all. A giant cube? Come on.~
Foundations of the wall of the city: jasper, sapphire, chalcedony, emerald, sardonyx, sardius, chrysolyte, beryl, topaz, chrysoprasus, jacinth, amethyst
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Jasper |
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Sapphire |
Chalcedony |
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Emerald |
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Sardonyx |
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Sardius |
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Beryl |
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Topaz |
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Chrysolite |
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Chrysoprasus |
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Jacinth |
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Amethyst |
Revelation 22
The River of Life.
The Tree of life on both sides of the river.
:17 - And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
:18 - If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, [as John introduced this prophecy in the first chapter of Revelation] God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.~My final comment is that it is clearly speaking here of the book of the prophecy of Revelation.~
:21 - The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
Here's some extra maps just because I like maps:
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Map of Jesus' Ministry in the NT |
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Map of Paul's first 2 journeys |
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Map of Paul's 3rd Journey - Notice what a small portion of the world they lived in! Wonder what their globe looked like?! |