I thought this an interesting page. I am reading Scripture and finding things I never knew...but how many of these sayings do people think to be "Biblical Truth" when they're not even in there?
Sayings Not Found in Scripture (Click on the link to find the interactive page where you can click and see each saying separately) http://www.blueletterbible.org/faq/sayings.cfm
Holy Ghost teach TRUTH to me as I read!
2 Samuel 3
Abner = my father is a lamp http://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=H74&t=KJV
:35 - David fasts because of Abner's death
2 Samuel 4
:4 - Mephibosheth, Jonathan's son, became lame when his nurse dropped him at 5 years old
:12 - Ishbosheth, Saul's son who took by force the throne over 11 of the 12 tribes of Israel, dies
2 Samuel 5
:6 - Jebusites (in Jerusalem) demand that David cannot come in with the blind and the lame
:17 - Philistines were not happy that David was now king
:19 - Is it me or does David always seem to ask God's permission to fight these battles? And God always tells him (so far) yes and that he will have success.
:23-24 - God even tells him this time the plan of attack from behind the mulberry trees!
2 Samuel 6
:2-3 - What an honor that must have been for Abinadab to store the ark in his house!
:7 - I have always felt sorry for Uzzah. The ark wasn't supposed to be carried on a cart, either, but the oxen weren't killed! I guess the oxen weren't given the commandment not to touch it. People were.
:10 - ark went back into storage
:14 - David is wearing an ephod, which usually priests wore.
:16 - Michal, Saul's daughter and David's first wife, is back and for the first time disapproving of this husband she loved because of his public dance for God.
:18 - I think it is so interesting that David has so many priestly tendancies, even though he was anointed as king, not priest. But as soon as that prophecy was delivered to him from Samuel, he moved to Samuel's city and probably learned all that from Samuel, the priest.
:20 - Too often I have heard preachers talk about that David removed his kingly garments to dance before the Lord about the ark being moved without anyone dying. We don't see Scripture saying that he took anything off to dance. And if he did take it off, it would have been a priestly garment he removed, not a kings' garment, because it says he wore an ephod. Perhaps here when Michal accuses him of uncovering himself, it was more figurative in the sense that he did not maintain the culturally correct kingly behavior. How can you be politically correct in praising God with shouting? Trumpets? Dancing? When is this ever acceptable? It still isn't today.
Picture of David dancing.
2 Samuel 7
Nathan, the prophet, is introduced.
God actually says no to David for a change. He tells him that not he, but his son will build a house for God.
2 Samuel 8
:13 - David makes a name for himself when he smites 18K men in the valley of salt
:6 and :14 - David puts up garrisons = set over, something placed, pillar, prefect, garrison, post http://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=H5333&t=KJV
2 Samuel 9
David finds Mephibosheth when he searches for someone out of Saul's house to honor. This is Jonathan's son, which is even sweeter since David and Jonathan were like brothers. Something has changed since chapter 5 when David wasn't allowed to bring lame or blind people into the city...and now he invites one to sit at his table continually. (:7)
2 Samuel 10
Ammon's sons aren't so smart when he dies. David tries to show them kindness and honor their house, but they shave his (David's) servants beards and cuts their clothes. (:4) So David is forced again into battle. He sends Joab (:7), who recruits his brother Abishai (:10) to help him since he hast to fight the Syrians and the sons of Ammon at the same time. (:11)
2 Samuel 11
:1 - There was actually a time of year that kings always went out to battle.
This is a Bible story I have heard more than others...David taking ANOTHER wife...this time from another man...and sent him to the front lines of battle to make sure he died so David could have him to himself. Instead of my usual reactions to this story, I have to wonder, did women just have to always go when men called for them? Even when married?
:27 - God was displeased = trembling/quivering eye (from 2 Hebrew words: Strongs numbers - H5869 and H3415) WOW! The only time I can think of that my eye quivers is when I am about to cry.
2 Samuel 12
The Lord uses a parable when reprimanding to David. How interesting is it that God is speaking to Old Testament people before Jesus or the Holy Ghost. And without a priest. Or a prophet.
Nathan rebuking David for Bathsheba situation.
:24 - Solomon is born
:25 - Nathan gives Solomon the name Jedidiah=beloved of Jehovah http://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=H5333&t=KJV
:28 - David goes back to battle, where he's supposed to be, when Joab says if you don't take this city, I will! And it will have my name!
2 Samuel 13
:4 - my brother Absalom's sister - Okay, this is where it gets weird having multiple wives and one daddy. Your sibling count multiplies exponentially.
2 Samuel 14
:25 - Absalom, who killed his brother for raping his sister, was physically beautiful.
:28 - When Absalom got to return to his family, he didn't get to see his dad's face for 2 years. And when he asked Joab to arrange a meeting, Joab wouldn't come. So, Absalom had Joab's field set on fire! (:30) That will get someones' attention...and will really preach***
2 Samuel 15
Absalom steals the hearts of the people and tries to take over his father's kingdom.
:14 - David actually flees out of Jerusalem away from his son.
:21 - And Ittai answered the king, and said, [As] the LORD liveth, and [as] my lord the king liveth, surely in what place my lord the king shall be, whether in death or life, even there also will thy servant be. - Such a beautifully poetic and heartfelt expression I've never heard quoted or preached on. ***
:27 - David asks Zadok, the priest, to remain in Jerusalem to be his eyes in the land.
:30 - Mt. Olivet = Mount of Olives - On David's ascent up the mountain, we wept and grieved. At the top, he worshipped God. This is also the same mountain Jesus had many discussions with his disciples.
Here is a pic of Mount of Olives today.
And one of the olive trees on it.
:22 - A tent on top of the house! And mass fornication was committed publicly! And it is in the BIBLE!!!
2 Samuel 17
:13 - How do you draw a city into the river with ropes?
:15 - Thank God for wise counsel. And thank God for trusted messengers and ministers.
:17 - wench = girl slave http://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=H8198&t=KJV
:27 - Mahanaim = "two camps"
1) a place east of the Jordan, named from Jacob's encounter with angels
2) a Levitical city in Gad
*Interesting that David rested where Jacob had earlier encountered the angels (Genesis 32:1-2)Picture from bibleatlas.org
2 Samuel 18
:5 - David commands his 3 army captains to deal gently with Absalom (who had tried to battle him out of the thrown and caused him to flee out of the city). Ok.
:8 - and the wood devoured more people that day than the sword devoured. If God has to use trees to vindicate you, he will.
:33 - David never stopped loving Absalom even through all that fighting and betrayal.
2 Samuel 19
:2 - victory that day was turned into mourning - How quickly can things change at the kings' response.
:8 - gate = public meeting place http://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=H8179&t=KJV David coming there drew the people out from their tents where they hid in sorrow from David's sorrow over the death of his son. Ironically, the gate was also where Absalom sat and stole the hearts of the people.
2 Samuel 20
:24 - Mephibosheth didn't dress his feet, trim his beard, or wash his clothes since David left until his return.
:27 - Mephibosheth calls David an angel of God. His name means exterminating the idol. http://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=H4648&t=KJV
2 Samuel 21
:1 - 3 Year famine
This chapter has a different feel than the rest of the book so far...almost like a summation chapter...except we are introduced to the giants.
2 Samuel 22
The first song (psalm) of David!
Here is a cute, lively version of a modern song with some of these verses. And it has printed lyrics!